「勝過諸水的響聲」…”Mightier than the thunder of the great waters”

(English at the bottom)





翻查資訊http://www2.map.gov.hk/gih3/view/index.jsp 及手機版:http://www.map.gov.hk/mobile/index.jsp…,均見圖中藍色部分便是香港仔上、下水塘及南下排洪的人造河道,而瀑布在河道出口,正是鴨脷洲大橋旁。


A 'waterfall' in the city!

It's not a natural waterfall. 
It's excess water from the Aberdeen Reservoir on Hong Kong Island, 
supplying fresh water to the Aberdeen typhoon shelter. 
The blue areas in the following links are Upper and Lower Aberdeen Reservoirs, excess water flows southward like a 'river' and the 'waterfall' is at its end: http://www2.map.gov.hk/gih3/view/index.jsp or http://www.map.gov.hk/mobile/index.jsp…
It reminds me of "Mightier than the thunder of the great waters ... the LORD on high is mighty." (Psalm 93:4) 

Moreover, I’ve found a person in the photo ! 
There's a lady in green T-shirt near the top left hand corner of the 'waterfall' ! 
She seemed to be walking on a trail on the left of the 'waterfall' upstream.
How small she was, compared to the 'waterfall' !

The link of Our Daily Bread's article 'Mightier than All' today:  https://odb.org/2017/07/19/mightier-than-all-2/
