(English at the bottom)
黑暗中,同舟共濟...... Friendship is like sitting in the same boat during dark hours... |
who loves freely’)。牧師問我們與朋友的友誼是否建基於愛?『朋友乃時常親愛,弟兄為患難而生』這句中,含有質與量:「親愛」是友誼的「質」;「時常」是友誼的「量」。要時常地去愛朋友,意即無論在任何情況下,例如患難、憎恨、悲傷,甚至最艱難的時刻。
repeats the matter separates close friends.”,換言之要醒察屢次挑錯(’repeats’)的,是否我們自己不停將不滿對方之事反覆思想,甚至向對方重提舊事,以致損害我們對對方的愛,破壞友誼?
- 主耶穌的愛是無條件的。
- 我們要學怎樣去愛、寬恕、復和。
- 珍惜友誼,捍衛友誼;主耶穌會教導我們。
交友之道,是學習怎樣不帶條件地去愛、寬容、忍耐、節制,那真是不容易......朋友如鏡,反映自己; 水珠如鏡,倒映天空 Water droplets on the window reflecting the sky, just as friends are mirrors reflecting our characters. |
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.”
Chinese, there’s a saying that good friends are like sitting in the same boat while crossing a river, which means friends collaborate with each other during times of adversity. The sermon that I listened today also talked about
friendship. The following are the main points:
has made us in communities with each other. God has created us to enjoy friendship
with each other, to experience true and meaningful friendship. Friendship is a
gift from God. In Proverbs 17:17, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother
is born for a time of adversity.” Love must be the key motivation in
friendship. The word ‘friend’ originally means ‘one who loves freely’. He said,
“Are the friendships that you have rooted in love?” In the verse, it includes
both quality and quantity, i.e. love at all times, during hate, during
suffering, during sorrow, even in the toughest times. What do you do when
a friend in times of crisis comes to you? Are you willing to love them no matter what
happens? A brotherhood, a bond survives trauma and adversity. Examples are
David and Jonathan, and Ruth and Naomi. But the adversities that they had come
across didn’t break up their friendships.
Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Friendships could make us stronger, have deeper understanding…There are friends who
are willing to challenge us…A true friend is willing to challenge you. Is this
the kind of friendship that you want? However, more often than not, adversity
breaks up friendship, it hurts, it’s painful. Sometimes when people hurt you,
you want to hurt them back. To forgive is crucial.
Proverbs 17:9, “Whoever would foster love covers over an offense, but whoever
repeats the matter separates close friends.” The pastor reminded us to search
our own hearts, maybe it is myself who is repeating the matter over and over
again in my mind. The verse could be translated into, “dwelling on the
mistakes of others devastates friendships”.
love that Jesus gives us is unconditional. So we should have love, forgiveness
and restoration. Cherish the friendships that you have. Jesus is the teacher.
this social media era, it has become much easier to make friends. Some people
have hundreds or even thousands of friends. But on the other hand, it seems
more and more difficult for people to have deeper interaction with each other.
It's difficult to find friends who could share our inner thoughts, to interact
in the spiritual dimension, not to cover up weaknesses in front of friends, and friends bold enough to point out our weaknesses for improvement.
In order to keep friendships, people tend to speak good words only or make
friends with those who agree with their thoughts. These attitudes towards
friendship surely deviate from Bible teachings.
a colleague said that communication via social media could not replace
face-to-face interaction with our friends. But it seems that social media
interaction is replacing face-to-face interaction. It also seems that the
interaction via social media is prone to information sharing and it's difficult
to be in-depth.
Having lots of friends doesn't imply having true friends.
genuine people could find genuine friends.
a saying that friends are like mirrors, reflecting our character.
Friendship means learning how to love others unconditionally, but that is really difficult...