試煉的十個要點 ... Ten good reminders from Charles Stanley about 'trial'

(English at the bottom)
Charles Stanley牧師對於試煉提出十個重點,是扼要的好提醒
1. 神掌管試煉的時間與強度。
2. 神容許你生命中有這試煉,是有特定目的。
3. 試煉的設計是因為神在你生命中看到某一種需要。
4. 如果你以信心回應,這試煉會為你好。
5. 試煉可加強你的信心。
6. 這試煉是個機會讓神展示:當你遭受巨大壓力時,祂以祂的能力支持你。
7. 這試煉是用以培養你具有像基督的品格。
8. 這試煉會有助你量度屬靈的成長。
9. 試煉中的每一步,神會與你同行。
10. 靠著聖靈的恩典與能力,我們會跨過試煉。

Like fire burning the clouds, 
which reminded me of fire testing silver.
Photo taken at 6:06 p.m. on  13.10.2017
The following ideas about ‘trial’ were explained by Pastor Charles Stanley during a sermon on a TV program that I watched many years ago. They were very concise and good reminders:
1. God is in control of the timing and intensity of the trial.
2. God has a specific purpose for allowing this trial in your life.
3. This trial is designed to meet a specific need God sees in your life.
4. This trial is going to be for your good if you respond in faith.
5. This trial can strengthen your faith.
6. This trial is an opportunity for God to demonstrate His power to sustain you under the great pressure.
7. This trial is developing Christ-like character in you.
8. This trial will help you measure your spiritual growth.
9. God will walk with you through every single step of this trial.
10. By the grace and power of the Holy Spirit, we will be conquerors.
