苦難是祝福 ... Blessings in disguise

(English translation at the bottom)


細心回想,這是主再一次在我生命中將苦難變為祝福。原本我對友人解釋,今次是我第三次經歷苦難變祝福,但屈指一數,原來除了今次,最少還另有八次,而且都是在人生當中,經歷一些突然或出乎意料的轉向:1982, 1988, 1993, 2003, 2008, 2011, 2015, 2017







另外,記起《以賽亞書》558 - 9節說:







30.6.2019      3:54 p.m.
Sudden downpour on the sea,
just as problems in life arise suddenly.
30.6.2019     4:01 p.m.
Rain on the sea subsided under a blue sky

Blessing in disguise

Days ago, a family member who had departed for more than 30 years came back home suddenly for a reunion because of the territory-wide identity card replacement exercise. I then started to realize that God has turned a suffering/problem (mom's cognitive impairment) into a blessing (forget the misconception about the family member).

Initially, I described this as the third time I have experienced suffering being turned into blessing by God in my life. But when I reflect more carefully, there were at least another 7 times in my life!

What were those sufferings? Illnesses of family members or myself...difficulties/failures in my studies or work...What were the blessings? Came to know Christ...repair the relationship between family members...purchase a property at the best timing...more time to accompany family members...time to treat illnesses...drop an unsuitable job...drop an unsuitable emigration plan...change my life goals and grow in life...

The saying that God could turn suffering/problem/curse into blessing is not a slogan, nor just a wish of Christians. It could be truly experienced. Sometimes the blessing come after a period of time, sometimes the blessing could only be seen when I put aside my own goals.

In the article ‘An imperishable crown’ in the daily devotional book ‘Experiencing God Day by Day’ for today(7th July), “Are you training your mind to think the thoughts of God rather than thoughts of the world?”

 So, illness, drawbacks, difficulties are blessings (things that are good or helpful to me) and not sufferings?

This has reminded me of Romans Chapter 8:28,
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (NIV)

I also remember that in Isiah 55:8-9,
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts." (NIV)

Only when we have relevant experiences could we comprehend and echo with these verses.

Post script on 8 July:

Two ministers had paid a home visit days ago and gave me a booklet 'Upper Room' of July-August 2013. When I read the questions for reflections on pg. 31 today, there's one which asked me to reflect on the situations of 'blessing in disguise' in my life; when did I started to realize that God was doing good things; who or what had made me understand or feel the company of God.

Now when I reflect on my 8 incidences of 'blessing in disguise' in my life, mostly they had taken a long period of time before I realized the blessings. I have used this logic to help my reflection: if I did not walk on path B but I am still walking on path A, what would have happened to me and my family members? Would I still receive those blessings or things that have been good for me ?

